Help us meet our goal of raising $50,000

Thursday, October 04, 2007

Looking for Board Members

We are currently looking for members who want to serve on the Girls Education International Board of Directors. We are hoping to find people with fund raising experience who are willing to do actual fund raising.

Monday, October 01, 2007

2007 Zack Martin Breaking Barriers (ZMBB) Recipient Update

Brief Synopsis Of Alpine And Humanitarian Objectives
The American Alpine Club Humanitarian Fund---- (ZMBB) is pleased to report that Fabrizio Zangrilli and his team attempted a new route up the south face of K2 and initiated the building of a school and funding of a teacher in the Khane Valley in Pakistan.

Alpine Objective
There were only two summit days over the whole season on K2 and Fabrizio and team were not staged to attempt a summit on a new route up the south face of K2. They climbed up to about 8000m but were turned back by weather. Also Fabrizio and team assisted in a minor rescue on the mountain. This was the third attempt at the south face for Fabrizio and Billy Pierson. They will give K2 another chance to 'allow them to pass'.

Humanitarian Objective

From Fabrizio's trip report:

"The Khane project was really one of the greatest 'adventures' of my life". Abbas (a village elder) and I had organized a "Village Day" at the school. I did this for two reasons: one to try and judge the people's enthusiasm for the school project and also it seemed an efficient way of meeting the village elders and the school committee. This event avoided most of the usual village politics of which house to hold meetings in, who would seem to be the most important elder, etc. Neutral ground seemed the best solution. Most the village's children - boys and girls - attended as well as over 50 adults. Khane has a total population of just under 500, since we were still in the trekking/expedition season I feel the turnout represented most of the adults (male- women do not attend such events) that could be present."

Fabrizio worked with Girls Educational International and after agreeing with village elders the importance of education and the Khane Valley Project and action plan was developed and initiated for the girls’ school and teacher.
To read the official report on the AAC site, please cut and paste this link into your browser: